
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1 Extended to February 2020

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1 has been extended by over 2 months to account for new Christmas content and a new live event that Epic say we won't want to miss. "With a new year comes new beginnings! Last year we celebrated 14 Days of Fortnite over the holidays. This year we’ve got even more content for you to unwrap, including new game features, free rewards and a live experience that you won’t want to miss. To prepare for all the new holiday-themed updates, we will be extending Chapter 2’s first season into early February. Get ready for winter!" The shock announcement comes just a few weeks before Chapter 2 Season 2 was expected to go live, and it seems that this may set a new expectation for future season lengths and content as we head further into 2020.

Leak: Scoped Assault Rifle and Heavy Assault Rifle Returning in Fortnite Chapter 2

A common complaint about Fortnite Chapter 2 is that the game does not offer enough variety of items due to the reset of the game's loot pool over a month ago. Since then, Chapter 2 has received one new item and really nothing else. Leaker HYPEX has found two new upcoming weapons in the v11.20 files that seem to be Chapter 2-updated versions of the old Scoped Assault Rifle and Heavy Assault Rifle. The rarity of the Scoped AR will be uncommon and rare and the rarity of the Heavy AR will be epic and legendary - with stats being available in the image below.

Fortnite To Support Microsoft DirectX 12 With Update v11.20

Fortnite's PC version will have the ability to use Microsoft DirectX 12 after update v11.20, according to a new blog post from Epic Games. The new option will allow those with newer graphics cards to take advantage of DX12 as a graphics API and possibly get better performance out of the game. Currently, Fortnite requires PC users to have a graphics card that supports DirectX 11, but with v11.20 those with newer cards will have the option to use DirectX 12 - the latest version of the API. The blog post states that "DX12 delivers better CPU performance and allows for the distribution of rendering jobs across multiple cores." Epic also teases that "In the future, we plan on adding features to Fortnite that are made possible by DX12." You can read the  full announcement here , with v11.20 expected to drop this week.